Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
An Urgent Call! Repent! Pray without Ceasing!
Messages from Heaven Given to Beloved Shelley Anna on the 7th day of March 2023

A Message from Our Blessed Mother
Our Blessed Mother Adorned in Radiant Light Says
My little children
Come under My Mantle and enter into My Son’s Sacred Heart taking refuge, where you will be hidden from your adversary the devil, who’s restrainer will soon be taken out of the way.
Repent My children, and enter in, for the hour is late!
My children
Pick up your spiritual weapons that complete your armor, and let your prayers be without ceasing.
Remain in the presence of My Son, partaking in Holy Communion where He is truly present.
Pray for one another
Pray for your country
Pray for America who’s sovereignty has been compromised
Pray for the conversion of sinners
My Beloved Children
Thank you for responding to My call
Remember always My promises, and let your prayers be without ceasing.
Thus saith, Your Loving Mother.
A Message from Saint Michael The Archangel
As the feathers of wings overshadow Me, I hear Saint Michael The Archangel say.
Beloved Ones of Christ
Our Lord and Savior stands before you with open arms.
Enter into His embrace clothed in penitential garments, with repentance upon your lips, confessing your sins that stain your souls. Make ready your hearts for an encounter with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
People of God
Come under the mantle of our Blessed Mother. Unite your prayers with our Lady of The End Times for the conversion of sinners. Our Lady’s Rosary of Light will illuminate this valley of darkness, revealing the path of salvation, for sinners who are lost in the darkness. This covering of deception has blinded their eyes and deafened their ears to the truth that can set them free.
Do not abandon Our Blessed Mother’s Rosary of Light that is a most powerful weapon, that immobilizes your enemies with the brightness of truth.
Come under the mantle of our Blessed Mother,and take refuge in the Sacred Heart of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, where you will be hidden from your adversary, the devil.
Beloved Ones of Christ Jesus
Call upon His Divine Mercy that is poured out for all.
With My sword unsheathed, I stand ready with multitudes of angels, to defend you from the wickedness and snares, of the devil who’s days are few in number.
Thus saith, Your Watchful Defender.
Conformation Scriptures
Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, then I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.